No, no, no, I don't think that at all, obviously!
But, after reading countless answers on this topic I am left wondering why people do not worry about the social implications of publicschool children that are not involved in extra curricular activities.
I see several children on my block that walk to school well after their parents have left for work, walk home to an empty house and stay inside all evening until their parents return around 6-6:30 (yes, I'm the neighborhood busy body, it's my job to notice these things, lol)
I would venture to say my neighborhood is not unusual. And the same goes for highschool students. Our local highschool gets out at 4:00 and by 4:15 all the little online icons on myspace start lighting up on the student pages and they stay on all evening, clearly indicating they are at home surfing the net instead of interacting with society.
The point I'm trying to make is that it is established that publicschool environments are not normal representations of society. That scene is not replicated anywhere else.
So, why aren't the people that are on here saying they "find homeschooling acceptable as long as..." (like we need approval) singing the same song over and over and over and over and over and over to publicschool parents.
"Ah" you say, "publicschool students are socialized because they are filling little league fields, and youth football fields, and boy/girl scout troops" and many other activities.
They are getting out there and socializing because their parents care enough to sign them up for karate lessons, and soccer leagues and take them to plays and museums and sporting events and the library and on and on.
so do homeschool parents.