Yes, I will be homeschooling my kids. I've already homeschooled a niece through pre-school and kindergarten and a nephew through pre-school, and am working on my oldest in pre-school right now. Why?
1. one on one education is better for any child than 1 teacher to 35 students.
2. Public school is geared towards passing tests, homeschooling is geared towards retention, or true learning.
3. public school is focused on the wrong type of socialization, ie. bullying, drugs, sex, lying, cheating, picking on kids for their weaknesses, and drama. Most of things I never encountered in the 'real world' as anti-homeschoolers like to say, and it doesn't make sense to throw young children into that kind of atmosphere and HOPE they don't turn into the kind of people who do deal with those issues.
4. When you're homeschooled, you're allowed to work at your own pace, not the pace the teacher sets. So, you can be behind your peers in math but advanced in english, based on your own strengths and weaknesses. This allows the kid to truly learn and it tremendously boosts their self-esteem, something that usually doesn't happen in public school unless the child is consistently a strong student.
5. Homeschooling takes less time per day then regular school, because your focusing more attention on doing the work instead of passing notes, etc., so you have more time for positive socializing like sports, church, field trips, co-ops, girl scouts/boy scouts, etc.
6. Homeschooling allows more time for bonding with your kids, as opposed to seeing them for a few hours before bedtime every day. This leads to less issues with smart-mouthed, disrespectful kids who will be smart-mouthed and disrespectful with other other people. You actually get to know your kids better, and them you.
7. Homeschooling allows more time for learning real life tasks like auto, home ec., finances, shop, etc. than spending one hour a day in high school.
8. One of my boys has special needs, and homeschooling him will be more beneficial than going to school because he's in a familiar environment without all the distractions that would hinder his learning process if he were to go to school. The more comfortable any child is, the better they are able to learn and process the world around them.
I could go on and on, but those are the basic reasons why my husband and I chose to homeschool.