Can anyone help me out with "C/C++" Programming Language??
2006-09-20 15:39:54 UTC
i am really new in programming languages..and i also got class next week but i want to something about it like the basic one..would u plz help me by giving a easy method(in website) where could i learn some of C/C++ programming languages.
Ten answers:
2006-09-21 01:15:49 UTC
You can learn C/C++ by e-mail from me like the others.

Send me your e-mail to send the lessons into your e-mail.
de copil angel
2006-09-21 08:36:01 UTC
If you are confident, you can learn C or C++ Yourself from your home. Though the higher level programming is complicated, as a beginner, you can learn so easy... start learning from basics of the programming language... Some of the books available in market now-a-days starts with very big programs showing all the features of the C/C++ language.. if you begin starting from that, you really afried of programming languages... so just cool when you begin writing programs.



void main()


printf("\n This is my First Program ...");


if you write this program on your C editor and if you compile and run it using Ctrl+F9 ... you will get your output on the screen as

This is my First Program

(Note: To watch Output Screen just press Alt + F5)

when you see the output on screen .. you will get some confidence that you too can do programming... after that try to understand what all those lines indicating and how the system is instructed to get the output.

In basics, you can learn about them. Basics are like the foundation stones, they are very important to understand later programming....

Though it's a structural language, C has many good features.. by it's features .. it's still alive.. may other programming languages invented at that time are now lost their identity... but C is not like them.

C++ is ... C with an extension of Classes (is known as object oriented programming system - OOPS) .. the ++ is one of the incremental operator available in C.. ( Ex. i++ means i=i+1)

So here, C = C + Object Oriented Concepts

It's really very best to implement several modern sequred programming techniques. C++ can support full structural programming as well as object oriented programming.

if you consider Java .. it's full Object Oriented Programming Language.. there a lot of security for data .. that's why it's widely used in internet applications...

Comparing to C++, data in C is not secured. Besides some dis-advantages, C has many great features... That's why learning C is really best to become a good programmer...

If you want some programming examples or notes ... you can directly contact me to my mail. I'll sure help you in this regard.. I've good e-books about C/C++ ....

mail me to :
2006-09-20 22:34:48 UTC
There is no truly easy method. It's a heavily structured language and if you screw up it fails to work for you.

The top area is where you declare lots of things, like the libraries you will be using.

Some libaries are common. Others are specific.

C is considered a "portable" language. By this it is meant that you can write a core program and then compile that program to use on Macintosh, PC Windows, Unix or Linux or even a hand held device.

The top of hte program is where you put all these libraries which are nothing but little tool kits you call on to do fancy stuff.

There are called "includes" because you are including them.

You also declare some variables at the top of the program.

A lot of C++ has gotten easer if you are working in OJECT C, such as Visual C++

This lets you DRAG and DROP objects.

An object is this text box I'm writing in, complete with scroll bar at the right.

You used to have to build these yourself, but now they come pre-written, only it makes the langauge less portable because Visual C++ is only available for Mac and PC.

C++ was designed to be a lot like low level languages (assembler) which are designed for a GIVEN chip (An Intel Chip, an AMD chip, etc.)

There there are no fancy things in C++

YOu have to build things using several different items.

C++ also requires clear starting and ending points defined by brackets


This is the start;

Below is the end;


YOu also have to terminate with a semi colon.

Programming in C++ is like doing an outline. Think of desiging things that way

I. Top definition area

1. First point

A. Sub Topic

B. Sub Topic

C. Sub topic

2. Next Point

3. Next Point

A. Sub Topic

B. Sub Top

II. Next area of the program.

Programming is also simplification.

This is probably why they want you to have Algebra II first.

You do procedures for things, just like in math, except once you do the producdures and get the results you look at your algorithm and say what can I combine to lower the amount of lines used.

Let's take a math equation:







But it takes less steps to do the math inside out in a single line, like this




Math in parenthese is done from the inner most outward.

n would be passed to the equation from elsewhere. Maybe it's one of the things declared at the top area.

Don't worry about all these things.

You actually design them.

You can write out variables like this




but in a BIG program where you have to writes these 50 times, it get tireing so you call them




The big killer is going to be learning about PASSING BY ADDRESS

C++ passes values by the ADDRESS in memory not by the value.

the value of "n" for example is found or store by putting that value into an area of memroy (address) and then calling it back

This part's a killer in C. You have to really learn the rules and they are different for letters, integers and real numbers.

Get it wrong and you get the wrong value back or worse the program crashes.

The first thing you debug for is passing values wrong!

That's usually the first place things go wrong.

Pass a value wrong and you might dip into SYSTEM memory and crash windows out and your whole comptuer reboots.

This, now, explains the infamous BLUE SCREEN

The PROGRAM generated a FAULT at 34EE4A0FFF

Bang, you're locked up!

What it's telling you is that at some memory address some value that shouldn't have gone there went there

This one is great:

These are references
2016-03-27 03:37:50 UTC
Hello :) There is no ''best'' programming language, however there are several versions of any language, in the C language the C programming language is the one that is most widely used, followed Java (Net application development) and then C++. It all the depends on what you are going to program, however you should start with learning som basic languages like Python or Visual basic to get started and then go over to more advanced languages.
2006-09-21 05:31:28 UTC
Not sure of any websites, but there is a book. I forget the title but if you go to Amazon and search C++ and Bible you will find it. Huge book with lots of info. C++ is a very complex language and thinking you can learn it by reading web help and forums may be a mistake or a really long and painfull way to go about it at best.
2006-09-21 02:21:59 UTC
Do you know the book by John Smiley? I forgot the name of it but it's really good for beginners in programming on C#.

P.S. I'm also a beginner in programming on C#. But I have been studying it for some period.
ketan patel
2006-09-23 21:00:43 UTC
try to read some tutorial about c not c++ from the web.first you need to learn c then you go for c++.
2006-09-20 16:26:44 UTC
try the computer section

this is homeschooling
2006-09-21 01:26:35 UTC
Ask your Mom; it was her idea to home school you.
2006-09-20 15:45:21 UTC
My dad can.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.