And YOU have how many children? And how much experience with home school study?
I home schooled my son, and will home school my daughter. I also home schooled my youngest brother, two of my siblings children and a friends child, all from pre-K to 5th grade.
I feel home school is important in early ages..........after establishing a formal foundation I will allow my children to attend a private school.
Let me address your questions:
Q: Whys did you pull your kids out of school..........?
A: I never enrolled them in the first place. Home school began from birth. My 2 year old can say her ABC's, knows her home address and phone number, recites the first 7 lines of the Constitution, knows all her colors and can draw a smiley face. And in case you don't know the common apptitude of a two year old, that is rare!
Children draw, but to draw and release in order to dot eyes?
Q: What was wrong with public/private....?
A: Violence, corporal punishment, pier pressure, gangs,
insificient core curriculum, teachers that can't pronounce,
diction/language or correct usage, the letter "r" is NOT
pronounced "r'ar" slang words, negative
student apparel, removal of prayer, .......
Q: Changing the rules by participating?
A: Schools are not governed by "parents" but by politics!
Q: What made you think you could do an adequate job?
A: My educational level exceeds requirements to teach basic
skills to pre-k through 12th grade. College grad, sub taught
4th grade for a period of time. My personal desire to give the
most advantage to my children and family via self discipline,
self respect, moral judgement and individual character and
Q: How do you grade your childs work?
A: You want the best for your child, you must remain impartial
and concerned for the greater education of your child.
Q: Do you have a fall back plan?
A: Home study IS the plan! It requires as much preserverence
and steadfastness as any task of great venture.
Q: What is your plan if you could not effectively teach your
A: Public/private teachers come up against hard to teach and
learning disabled or difficult students every day! (ADD,
ADHD, children of broken homes, gay children, children with
identity problems, disabled children and many catagories
that "teachers" are not equipped or trained to handle.Those
teachers pass them on to "special ed" classes, alternative
schools and pass out ISS (in school suspension) to avoid
what it takes to nurture the individual child due the class size
and what I denote as "I don't get paid enough" to do this!
My plan, as should be anyone that undertakes the education
of their own child, is to stick to the convictions that I/you
make to give and afford the opportunities to that child that you
believe would compliment them as a person.
Q: Can you name 3 advantages of home school?
A: I can name many: One on one teaching, individual thought,
personal persuit, patience when patience is due, addressing
special needs, varied studies, personal interests, character
building, moral teachings, open forum, subject selection and
planning your childs future.
Q: Can you name 3 advantages to public/private/parochial
A: Not a one..................
This was a long one, as you said. I trust that those that are qualified to home school will do so. For those that want to home school for vaious and no-productive reasons, I would say to re-think what you are up against. It is no easy task to educate anyone, much less your own child.
Are you a "poopy head" for asking? NO!