We do unit studies, which last approximately 6 to 8 weeks.
One day before we start, we decide on the next unit, and I sit down and:
- look up lesson & unit plans for the topic to get ideas
- look up books we have in our home or local library that we can use
- type up a reading list for the kids (both mandatory & independent suggestions)
- look up resources and ideas on the internet and bookmark them (interactive websites, research, etc.)
- Check out if there are any educational DVDs or something we can rent
- print up worksheets, essay questions, project topics, coloring pages (for the little ones), crosswords or word finds or things like that (makes it fun), etc.
- make lists of spelling/vocabulary words for the coming weeks
- consider any possible field trips or experiments, etc.
After it's planned out I put the materials in order make a folder for each child.
Some work they do independently (especially as they get older) and some work I sit and go over with them. The goal by the end of the unit is to finish the packet and present a final project (they can do one I suggest or desing their own.
Final projects can be as simple as a research paper or a lap book; or as complex as filming their own documentary on the topic or doing a science experiment; or something more fun like a cultural festival for family night where they cook & play games & read stories & make a presentation about a country they've been studying.
Sometimes they work on the same unit together (older kids just get more advanced materials, younger kids get more basic skills to focus on). Sometimes they don't do anything related.
Then we take a week or two off and start again; we do this year-round.