Textbooks textbooks textbooks!!?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Textbooks textbooks textbooks!!?
Eight answers:
2008-02-02 05:22:21 UTC
The reason you haven't gotten a "perfect answer" is it doesn't exist.

Many of the textbooks used in schools are NOT available to the general public. If you want to only use the textbooks used in schools, see about an at-home program or an online public school program.

Most of the time, homeschoolers do NOT use typical textbooks. They use programs--some may have textbooks, some may have workbooks or worksheets or just books. Or a combination thereof. Many homeschoolers don't use programs and just purchase individual things from different companies.

Try these sites for an idea on the wide range of things available--and know that these lists will still possibly miss out on some very popular resources:
2008-02-01 21:02:18 UTC
Academic Press Harcourt Place 32 Jamestown Road London NW1 7BY Tel: 020 7424 4200

Adelphi Communications Ltd Adelphi Mill Bollington Macclesfield Cheshire SK10 5JB UK Tel: 01625 575500

Addison-Wesley & Benjamin Cummings (Pearson Plc) 80 Strand, London, WC2R 0RL UK tel: 020 7010 2000

Age Concern Books 1268 London Road, London SW16 4ER. Tel: 020 8765 7200. Fax: 020 8765 7211.

Aladdin Books Ltd, 2-3 Fitzroy Mews, London W1T 6DF,

Allen & Unwin Orion House 5 Upper St Martin's Lane London WC2H 9EA

AN Publications First Floor, Turner Building, 7-15 Pink Lane, Newcastle upon Tyne NFl 5DW Tel: 0191-241 8000 Fax: 0191-241 8001

Andersen Press 20 Vauxhall Bridge Road London SW1V 2SA Tel: 020 7840 8701

Andre Deutsch Ltd, (Chameleon, André Deutsch, Granada Media Group, Madcap, Manchester United Books, Rangers Books ) 76 Dean Street London W1V 5HA Tel: 020 7316 4450

Angel Business Communications Ltd 34 Warwick Road, Kenilworth, Warks CV8 1HE Tel: 01926 512424

Antony Rowe Ltd. Bumper's Farm Chippenham Wiltshire SN14 6LH Tel 01249 659 705

Anvil Press Poetry Neptune House, 70 Royal Hill, London SF10 8RF Tel: 020-8469 3033 Fax: 020-8469 3363

Arc Publications Nanholme Mill, Shaw Wood Road, Todmorden, Lancs. 0L14 6DA Tel: (01706) 812338 Fax: (01706) 818948

Arcadia Books Ltd 15-16 Nassau Street, London W1N 7RF Tel: 020-7436 9898 Fax: 020-7637 7357

Ashgate Publishing Ltd Gower House Croft Road Aldershot, Hampshire GU11 3HR Tel: 01252 331551

Associated Newspapers Ltd. Northcliffe House, 2 Derry Street, Kensington, London, W8 5TT Tel: 020 7938 6000 (Daily Mail, The Mail on Sunday, Evening Standard and the new London Metro)

Atlantic Europe Publishing Co. Ltd Greys Court Farm, Greys Court, Henley-on-Thames, Oxon RG9 4PC Tel: (01491) 628188 Fax: (01491) 628189

Atlas Press BCM Atlas Press 27 Old Gloucester Street London WC1N 3XX

Aurum Press 25 Bedford Avenue, London WC1 Tel: 020 7637 3225

Autumn Publishing Ltd North Barn, Appledram Barns, Birdham Road, West Sussex P020 7EQ. Tel: 01243 531660. Fax: 01243 774433

Auto Trader

Autodata Publishing Group Ltd, Priors Way, Maidenhead, Berks SL6 2HP Tel: 01628 634321

Barefoot Books 124 Walcot Street Bath BA1 5BG

B & W Publishing Ltd. , 233 Cowgate, Edinburgh EH1 1NQ Tel: 0131 220 5551. Fax: 0131 220 5552

Beam Education Maze Workshops, 72a Southgate Road, London N1 3JT Tel 020 7684 3323

Belitha Press Limited London House Great Eastern Wharf Parkgate Road London SW11 4NQ Tel 020 7 978 6330

Bellew Publishing Co. Ltd The Nightingale Centre, 8 Balham Hill, London SW12 9EA Tel: 020-8673 5611 Fax: 020-8675 2142

Bene Factum Publishing Ltd 11a Gillingham Street London SW1V 1HN Tel: 020 7630 8616 Fax: 020 7630 5202

Berg Publishers 150 Cowley Road, Oxford OX4 1JJ Tel: (01865) 245104 Fax: (01865) 791165

Berkswell Publishing Co. Ltd PO Box 420, Warminster, Wilts. BA12 9XB Tel: (01985) 840189

Berlitz Publishing Company Ltd, Suite 120 24-25 Nutford Place London W1H 5YN Tel: 020 7569 3160

Bernard Babani (Publishing) Ltd The Grampians, Shepherds Bush Road, London W6 7NF Tel: 020-7603 2581/7296 Fax: 020-7603 8203

BFI Publishing British Film Institute, 21 Stephen Street, London W1P 2LN Tel: 020-7255 1444 Fax: 020-7580 8434

Biddles Ltd Woodbridge Park Estate Woodbridge Road Guildford Surrey GU1 1DA Tel: 01483 502224

Black Ace Books PO Box 6557 Forfar DD8 2YS Tel: (01307) 465096 Fax: (01307) 465494

Blackstaff Press Ltd Blackstaff House Wildflower Way Apollo Road Belfast BT12 6TA Tel: 028-9066 8074 Fax: 028-9066 8207

Blackstone Press Ltd Aldine Place London W12 8AA Tel: 020-8740 2277 Fax: 020-8743 2292

Blackpool Gazette & Herald Ltd. Avroe House Avroe Crescent Blackpool Business Park Blackpool FY4 2DP Tel: 01253 400888

Blackwell Retail Ltd. Blackwell's Extra 50 Broad Street Oxford OX1 3BQ Tel: 01865 333536

Blackwell Scientific Ltd. Blackwell Science Ltd Osney Mead Oxford OX2 0EL Tel: 01865 206206

Blake Publishing Ltd 3 Bramber Court 2 Bramber Road London W14 9PB Tel: 020 7381 0666

Bloodaxe Books Ltd PO Box 1SN Newcastle upon Tyne NE99 1SN Tel: (01434) 240500 Fax: (01434) 240505

Boatswain Press Ltd Dudley House, 12 North Street, Emsworth, Hants PO10 7DQ Tel: (01243) 377977 Fax: (01243) 379136

Book Data Ltd Globe House 1 Chertsey Road Twickenham TW1 1LR Tel: 020 8843 8600 Fax: 020 8843 8744 (supplier)

Bookspeed 16 Salamander Yards, Edinburgh. EH6 7DD tel. 0131-467-8100 fax. 0131-467-8008 (wholesaler)

Booth-Clibborn Editions 12 Percy Street, London W1P 9FB Tel: 020-7637 4255 Fax: 020-7637 4251

Bowker Windsor Court, East Grinstead House, East Grinstead, West Sussex RH19 1XA Tel: (01342) 336185 Fax: (01342) 336192

Boydell & Brewer Ltd PO Box 9, Woodbridge, Suffolk IP12 3DF Tel: 01394 411320 Fax: 01394 411477

Bradt Travel Guides 19 High Street, Chalfont St Peter, Bucks. SL9 9QE Tel: (01753) 893444 Fax: (01753) 892333

Brassey's (UK) Ltd 9 Blenheim Court, Brewery Road, London N7 9NT Tel: 020-7700 7611 Fax: 020-7700 4552

Breedon Books Publishing Co. Ltd Breedon House, 3 The Parker Centre, Derby DE21 4SZ Tel: (01332) 384235 Fax: (01332) 292755

Breese Books Ltd : 164 Kensington Park Road, London W11 2ER Tel: 020-7727 9426

Brewin Books Ltd Doric House, 56 Alcester Road, Studley, Warks. B80 7LG Tel: (01527) 854228/853624 Fax: (01527) 852746

Bright Star Publishing plc, 179, Dalling Road London W6 0ES, UK

Brilliant Publications The Old School Yard, Leighton Road, Northall, Dunstable, Beds. LU6 2HA Tel: (01525) 222844 Fax: (01525) 221250

Bristol Evening Post & Press Ltd. Temple Way, Bristol BS99 7HD Tel: (0117) 934 3000

British European Associated Publishers Ltd, 69 Station Road, Redhill, Surrey RH1 1DL

British Museum Press 46 Bloomsbury Street, London WC1B 3QQ Tel: 020-7323 1234 Fax: 020-7436 7315

Brown, Son & Ferguson, Ltd 4-10 Darnley Street, Glasgow G41 2SD Tel: 0143-429 1234 Fax: 0141-420 1694

Brown Wells & Jacobs Ltd Foresters Hall, 25-27 Westow Street, London SE19 3RY Tel: 020-8771 5115 Fax: 020-8771 9994

Bryntirion Press Bryntirion, Bridgend, Mid Glamorgan CF31 4DX Tel: (01656) 655886 Fax: (01656) 656095

Burns & OatesWellwood, North Farm Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN2 3DR Tel: (01892) 510850 Fax: (01892) 515903

Business Education Publishers Ltd Leighton House, 10 Grange Crescent, Sunderland, Tyne & Wear SR2 7BN. Tel: 0191 567 4963. Fax: 0191 514 3277

Butterworth Heineman c/o Elsevier Science Foots Cray High Street Sidcup Kent DA14 5HP Tel: 0208 308 5700 Fax: 0208 308 5702

Butterworths Tolley (Butterworths, Fourmat, Charles Knight, Tolley) Halsbury House, 35 Chancery Lane, London WC2A 1EL Tel: 020-7400 2500 Fax: 020-7400 2842

Cabal Communications 374 Euston Road, London NW1 3BL. Tel 020 7554

Cadogan Guides West End House, 11 Hills Place, London W1R 1AG Tel: 020-7287 6555 Fax: 020-7734 1733

Calder Publications Ltd 126 Cornwall Road, London SE1 8TQ Tel: 020-7633 0599

Canongate Books 14 High Street Edinburgh EH1 1TE Scotland Tel:0131 557 5111

Capall Bann Publishing Freshfields, Chieveley, Berkshire RG20 8TF. Tel: 01635247050/248711. Fax: 01635 247050/248711

Carcanet Press Ltd 4th Floor, Conavon Court, 12-16 Blackfriars Street, Manchester M3 5BQ Tel: 0161-834 8730 Fax: 0161-832 0064

Carlton Books 20 Mortimer Street London W1T 3JW Tel: 020 7612 0400

Carlton Publishing Group Unit 2, Wenta Business Centre Colne Way, Watford Hertfordshire, WD24 4ND Tel: 01923 800801 Fax: 01923 800802

Carroll & Brown Publishers Limited 20 Lonsdale Road, London NW6 6RD. Tel: 020 7372 0900. Fax: 020 7372 0460

Caspian Publishing Caspian Millbank Tower Millbank London SW1P 4QP Tel: 020 7828 0706

Cassell PLC (Geoffrey Chapman; Gollancz; Indigo; Vista) Wellington House 125 Strand London WC2R 0BB Tel: 020 7420 5555

Castle House Publications Ltd 3 Linden Close, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN4 8HH Tel: (01892) 539606 Fax: (01892) 517773

Catholic Truth Society 40-46 Harleyford Road, London SE11 5AY. Tel: 0207 640 0042. Fax: 0207 640 0046

Cavendish Publishing The Glass House, Wharton Street, London WC1X 9PX Tel: 020-7278 8000 Fax: 020-7278 8080

Caxton Publishing Group (Caxton Editions, Brockhampton Press, Knight Paperbacks) 20 Bloomsbury Street, London WC1B 3QA Tel: 020-7636 7171 Fax: 020-7636 1922

CBD Research Ltd 15 Wickham Road, Beckenham, Kent BR3 5JS Tel: 020-8650 7745 Fax: 020-8650 0768

Cedric Chivers Ltd. 1 Beaufort Trade Park Pucklechurch Trading Estate Pucklechurch Bristol BS16 9QH Tel: 0117 937 1910 (Bookbinders)

Centaur Communications 50 Poland Street London W1

Centurion Publishing Group 17 Britton Street London EC1M 5TP Tel: 020 7880 6200

Central Counties Newspapers Ltd.

Chadwyck-Healey Ltd The Quorum, Barnwell Road, Cambridge CB5 8SW Tel: (01223) 215512 Fax: (01223) 215513

Chambers Harrap 7 Hopetoun Crescent Edinburgh, EH7 4AY Tel: 0131 556 5929

Chancerel International Publishers Ltd. 120 Long Lane London WC2E 9PA Tel: 020 7240 2811 Fax: 020 7181 836 4186

Chapman Publishing 4 Broughton Place, Edinburgh EH1 3RX Tel: 0131-557 2207 Fax: 0131-556 9565

Charterhouse Communications Plc, Arnold House 36-41 Holywell Lane, London EC2A 3SF

Chartsearch Ltd, The Publishing House 1-3 Highbury Station Road, London N1 1SE

Child's Play Ashworth Road, Bridgemead, Swindon, Wilts. SN5 7YD Tel: (01793) 616286 Fax: (01793) 512795

Chivers Press (Chivers Large Print, Chivers Audio Books, Black Dagger Crime, Windsor Large Print, Galaxy Children's Large Print, Cavalcade) Windsor Bridge Road, Bath, Avon BA2 3AX Tel: (01225) 335336 Fax: (01225) 310771

Christian Focus Publications Geanies House, Fearn, Tain, Ross-shire IV20 1TW. Tel: 01862 871011. Fax: 01862 871699

Christopher Davies Publishers Ltd P0 Box 403, Swansea SAl 4YF Tel: (01792) 648825 Fax: (01792) 648825

Chrysalis Books Chrysalis Books 64 Brewery Road London N7 9NT Tel: 0207 697 3000

Cicerone Press 2 Police Square, Milnthorpe, Cumbria LA7 7PY Tel: (015395) 62069 Fax: (015395) 63417

Cima Books 32 Great Sutton Street, London EC1V 0NB Tel: 020-7253 7960 Fax: 020-7253 7967

Citrus Publishing Vinery Court 50 Banner Street London EC1Y 8QE Tel:020 7577 9300

City Financial Communications Ltd, 39 Earlham Street, Convent Garden, London WC2H 9LD Tel: 020 7306 7000

CJ Fallon Lucan Road, Palmerstown, Dublin 20, Republic of Ireland Tel: (01) 6166400 Fax: (01) 6166499

Claridge Press 33 Canonbury Park South, London Nl 2JW. Tel: 0207 226 7791 Fax: 0207 354 0383

Collins & Brown (Belitha Press, David Bennett Books, Paper Tiger, Parkgate Books, Pavilion Books) London House, Great Eastern Wharf, Parkgate Road, London SW11 4NQ Tel: 0171-924 2575 Fax: 0171-924 7725

Colourpoint Books Unit D5, Ards Business Centre, Jubilee Road, Newtownards, Co. Down BT23 4YH Tel: (028) 9182 0505 Fax: (028) 9182 1900

Comag Tavistock Road West Drayton Middlesex UB7 7QE Tel: 01895 433600 or Fax: 01895 433602 marketing and distribution company

Conde Naste International Ltd Vogue House, Hanover Square, London W1S 1JU Tel 020 7499 9080

Conran Octopus 2-4 Heron Quays, London E14 4JP Tel: 020 7531 8400

Constable & Robinson Ltd 3 The Lanchesters, 162 Fulham Palace Road, London W6 9ER Tel: 020-8741 3663 Fax: 020-8748 7562

Cornhill Publications Kings Court, 31 Edgware Road, London 020 740 1515

Cornwall & Devon Media Ltd. Northcliffe Electronic Publishing Devon & Cornwall Heron Road Sowton Exeter Devon EX2 7NF

Constable & Co Ltd 3 The Lanchesters 162 Fulham Palace Road London W6 9ER Tel: 020 8741 3663 Fax: 020 8748 7562

Countryside Books 2 Highfield Avenue, Newbury, Barks. RG14 5DS Tel: (01635) 43816 Fax: (01635) 551004

Crescent Moon Publishing PO Box 393, Maidstone, Kent ME14 5XU Tel: (01622) 729593

CRC Press UK/Parthenon Publishing 23-25 Blades Court Deodar Road London, SW15 2NU, Phone: 020-8875-4370 Fax: 020-8871-3443

Cressrelles Publishing Co. Ltd (Actinic Press, Garnet Miller, Kenyon-Deane) 10 Station Road Industrial Estate, Colwall, Malvern, Herefordshire WR13 6RN Tel: (01684) 540154 Fax: (01684) 540154

Croner Cch Group Ltd. 145 London Road Kingston upon Thames Surrey KT2 6SR Tel: 020 8547 3333

Crown House Publishing Ltd Crown Buildings, Bancyfelin, Carmarthen SA33 5ND Tel: (01267) 211345 Fax: (01267) 211882

Cumbrian Newspapers Ltd. Newspaper House, Dalston Road, Carlisle CA2 5UA

Current Drugs Ltd 34-42 Cleveland Street Middlesex House London W1T 4LB Tel: 0207 580-8393

Current Science Group 34-42 Cleveland Street, London W1P 6LB Tel: 020-7323 0323 Fax: 020-7580 1938

Curzon Press Ltd 15 The Quadrant, Richmond, Surrey TW9 1BP Tel: 020-8948 4660 Fax: 020-8332 6735

Custom Books 61 Alpine Street, Reading, Berks, RG1 2PY Tel: 0800 028 34 49

D C Thomson & Co 185 Fleet Street London EC4A 2HS Tel. (020) 7400 1030

DMG World Media Equitable House Lyon Road Harrow HA1 2EW Tel: 020 8515 2000

Dalesman Publishing Co. Ltd Stable Courtyard, Broughton Hall, Skipton, North Yorkshire BD23 5AC Tel: (01756) 701381 Fax: (01756) 701326

David Bennett Books Ltd Kiln House, 210 New Kings Road, London SW6 4NZ Tel: 020-7731 6444 Fax: 020-7731 6554

David & Charles Brunel House Forde Close Newton Abbot Devon TQ12 1XD Tel: 0870 2200200

David Flatman Ltd 36 West Shore Road Granton Edinburgh EH5 1QD Phone: 0131 551 2261 Fax: 0131 559 2042 (wholesaler)

David Fulton Publishers Ltd Ormond House, 26-27 Boswell Street, London WC1N 3JD Tel: 020-7405 5606 Fax: 020-7831 4840

David Hall Publishing Ltd. Temple Buildings Railway Terrace Rugby CV21 3EJ Tel: 01788 535218 david

Dawson Group Plc.Foxhills House, Rushden, Northants NN10 6DB, Tel: 01933 417500 Fax: 01933 417501 (distributors)

DC Thomson & Co Ltd Courier Buildings Albert Square Dundee Scotland

De Agostini Ltd Griffin House 161 Hammersmith Road London W6 8SD Tel 020 8181 600200

Dedalus Ltd 24 St Judith's Lane, Sawtry, Cambs. PEI7 SXE Tel: (01487) 832382 Fax: (01487) 832382

Delta 39 Alexandra Road, Addlestone, Surrey. KT15 2PQ. England. Tel :01932 854 776 Fax :01932 849 528 (wholesalers)

Derby Daily Telegraph Ltd. Northcliffe House Meadow Road Derby DE1 2DW Tel: 01332-291111

Dewi Lewis Publishing 8 Broomfield Road, Heaton Moor, Stockport SK44ND. Tel: 0161 442 9450. Fax: 0161 442 9450.

Discovery Walking Guides Ltd 10 Tennyson Close, Dallington, Northampton NN5 7HJ Tel: (01604) 752576 Fax: (01604) 752576

Donhead Publishing Ltd Lower Coombe, Donhead St Mary, Shaftesbury, Dorset SP7 9LY. Tel: 01747 828422. Fax: 01747 828522.

Dorling Kindersley Holdings Plc Dorling Kindersley Limited 80 Strand London WC2R 0LR Tel: 020 7010 3000

Duncan Baird Publishers Sixth Floor, Castle House, 75-76 Wells Street, London W1P 3RE Tel: 020-7323 2229 Fax: 020-7580 5692

Duncan Petersen Publishing Limited 31 Ceylon Road, London W14 OPY. Tel: 0207 371 2356. Fax: 0207 371 2507

Dublar Scripts 204 Mercer Way, Romsey, Hants SO51 7QJ Tel: (01794) 501377 Fax: (01794) 502538

Eaglemoss Publications 5 Cromwell Road London SW7 2HR England Tel: 020 7590 8300

East Lancashire Newspapers Ltd. Po Box 168 Wellington Street, Leeds, West Yorks LS1 1RF

Edinburgh University Press , Polygon, 22 George Square, Edinburgh, EH8 9LF. Tel: 0131 650 4218

Egmont Magazines Egmont House, 25-31 Tavistock Place, London WC1H 9SF

Egmont Children's Books 239 Kensington High Street, London W8 6SA. Tel: 0207 761 3500. Fax: 0207 761 3510.

Element Books Ltd. The Old School House The Court Yard Bell Street Shaftesbury SP7 8BP Tel: 01747-851448

Elliot Right Way Books Kingswood Buildings, Lower Kingswood, Tadworth, Surrey KT20 6TD. Tel: 01737 832202. Fax: 01737 830311

Elsevier Science Foots Cray High Street Sidcup Kent DA14 5HP Tel: 0208 308 5700 Fax: 0208 308 5702

Emap plc 1 Lincoln Court Lincoln Road Peterborough UK PE1 2RF Telephone: 01733 568900

Enitharmon Press 26B Caversham Road London NW5 2DU Tel: 020 7482 5967

Euromoney Institutional Investor Plc Nestor House Playhouse Yard London EC4V 5EX Tel: 020 7779 8888

European Schoolbooks Ltd. The Runnings Cheltenham GL51 9PQ Tel: 01242 245252 Fax: 01242 224137

Evans Brothers Ltd 2A Portman Mansions, Chiltern Street, London W1U 6NR Tel: 020 7935 7160. Fax: 020 7487 0921

Everyman Publishers Gloucester Mansions, 140a Shaftesbury Ave., London WC2H 8HD Tel: 020 75397600,

Exley Publications Ltd 16 Chalk Hill, Watford, Hertfordshire WD1 4BN. Tel: 01923 248328. Fax: 01923 818733

Express Newspapers Ludgate House, 245 Blackfriars Rod, London SE1 9UX

Express & Echo Publications Ltd. Heron Road Exeter EX2 7NF Tel: 01392-442211

Express & Star Ltd. 51-53 Queen St, Wolverhampton WV1 1ES.

FT Business Ltd Maple House, 1249 Tottenham Court Road, London W12T 7LB Tel: 020 7896 2000

Faber & Faber 3 Queen's Square London WC1N 3AU Tel: 020 7465-0045

Faversham House Group, DIY Week, 232A Addington Road, South Croydon, Surrey CR2 8LE Tel: 020 8651 7100 Fax: 020 8651 7117

Felicity Fair Thompson, (Wight Diamond Press) Carlton House, Binstead Road, Ryde, Isle of Wight PO33 3RD Tel/Fax 01983 612272

Fernhurst Books Duke's Path, High Street, Arundel, West Sussex BN18 9AJ Tel: (01903) 882277 Fax: (01903) 882715

Findlay Publications Franks Hall, Horton Kirby, Kent DA4 9LL Telephone: 01322 222222

Findhorn Press Ltd The Park, Findhorn, Moray IV36 3TY Tel: 01309 690582. Fax: 01309 690036.

Fire & Water. (Harper Collins - London) 77/85 Fulham Palace Road London W6 8JB Tel: 020 8741 7070

First and Best in Education Ltd (Hamilton House Publishing) Earlstrees Court, Earlstrees Road, Corby, Northants. NN17 4HH Tel: (01536) 399004 Fax: (01536) 399012

Fitzgerald Publishing PO Box 804, London SE13 5JF. Tel: 0208 690 0597

Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers 310 Regent Street, London W1R 5AT Tel: 020-7636 6627 Fax: 020-7636 6982

Fitzwarren Publishing 2 Orchard Drive, Aston Clinton, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire HP22 5HR. Tel: 01296 632627. Fax: 01296 630028

Flambard Press Stable Cottage, East Fourstones, Hexham, Northumberland NE47 5DX Tel: (01434) 674360 Fax: (01434) 674178

Flicks Books 29 Bradford Road, Trowbridge, Wiltshire BA14 9AN. Tel: 01225 767728. Fax 01225 760418

Folens Ltd. (The Blackwater Press) Unit 20 Apex Business Centre Boscombe Road Dunstable Beds LU5 4RL Tel: 01582 470821

Flicks Books 29 Bradford Road, Trowbridge, Wilts. BA14 9AN Tel: (01225) 767728 Fax: (01225) 760418

Floris Books 15 Harrison Gardens, Edinburgh EH11 1SH Tel: 0131-337 2372 Fax: 0131-346 7516

Folio Society 44 Eagle Street, London WC1R 4FS, UK Tel: 020 7400 4200

Four Courts Press Fumbally Court, Fumbally Lane, Dublin 8, Republic of Ireland Tel: (01) 4534668 Fax: (01) 4534672

Fountain Press Ltd Newpro UK Ltd., Old Sawmills Road, Faringdon, Oxfordshire SN7 7DS. Tel: 01367242411. Fax: 01367 241124

Fourth Estate Ltd 77- 85 Fulham Palace Road London W6 8JB Tel: 020 8741 4414

Frances Lincoln 4 Torriano Mews Torriano Avenue London NW5 2RZ Tel: 020 7284 4009

Frank Cass & Co. Ltd Newbury House, 890-900 Eastern Avenue, Newbury Park, Ilford, Essex IG2 7HH Tel: 020-8599 8866 Fax: 020-8599 0984

Framework Press Educational Publishers Ltd GHPD, Halley Court, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8EJ Tel: (01865) 314194 Fax: (01865) 314116

Free Association Books 57 Warren Street, London W1P 5PA Tel: 020-7388 3182 Fax: 020-7388 3187

Furness Newspapers Ltd. Newspaper House, Abbey Road, Barrow in Furness LA14 5QS

G D S Publishing Ltd. Tower House Fairfax Street Bristol BS1 3BN Tel: 0117 921 4000

GE Fabbri Limited Elme House 133 Long Acre WC2E 9AW Tel: 020 7836 0519

Gaia Books 20 High Street, Stroud, Gloucestershire, GL5 1AZ, Tel: 01453 752985

Gardners Books Ltd. 1 Whittle Drive, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN23 6QH Tel: 01323 521777 (Wholesaler)

Garnet Publishing (Ithaca Press, South Street Press) 8 Southern Court South Street Reading RG1 4QS Tel: 0118 959 7847

Geddes & Grosset David Dale House, New Lanark ML11 9DJ. Tel: 01555 665000. Fax: 01555 665694

George Boyden & Son Ltd. York House Rother Street Stratford Upon Avon CV37 6NB Tel: 01789 266261

Gerald Duckworth & Co Ltd 61 Frith Street London W1V 5TA Tel: 020 7434 4242

Gresham Books Ltd The Gresham Press, 46 Victoria Road, Oxford OX2 7QD Tel: (01865) 513582 Fax: (01865) 512718

Giles de la Mare Publishers Ltd PO Box 25351, London NWS 1ZT Tel: 020 7485 2533. Fax: 020 7485 2534

Gill & Macmillan Ltd Hume Avenue, Park West, Dublin 12, Republic of Ireland Tel: (01) 500 9500 Fax: (01) 500 9599

Glass's Information Services Ltd. 1 Princes Road, Weybridge, Surrey KT13 9TU Tel: 01932 823823

Giles de la Mare Publishers Ltd PO Box 25351, London NW5 1ZT Tel: 020-7485 2533 Fax: 020-7485 2534

Glowworm Books Ltd Unit 7, Greendykes Industrial Estate Greendykes Road Broxburn West Lothian EH52 6PG Tel: 01506 857 570

Godsfield Press Ltd 259 Old Marylebone Road, London NWI 5XJ Tel: 020-7616 7200 Fax: 020-7616 7201

Golden Cockerel Press (Associated University Presses, Cornwall Books )16 Barter Street, London WC1A 2AH Tel: 020-7405 7979 Fax: 020-7404 3598

Graham & Whiteside Ltd Tuition House, 5-6 Francis Grove, London SW19 4DT Tel: 020-8947 1011 Fax: 020-8947 1163

Granta Publications 2-3 Hanover Yard, Noel Road, London N1 8BE Tel: 020-7704 9776 Fax: 020-7704 0474

Green Books Foxhole, Dartington, Totnes, Devon TQ9 6EB Tel: (01803) 863843 Fax: (01803) 863843

Greenhill Books Lionel Leventhal Ltd Park House, 1 Russell Gardens, London NW11 9NN Tel: 020-8458 6314 Fax: 020-8905 5245

Grub Street The Basement, 10 Chivalry Road, London SW11 1HT Tel: 020-7924 3966/738 1008 Fax: 020-7738 1009

Guardian Newspapers Ltd. 3-7 Ray Street London EC1R 3DR Tel: 020-7278 2332

Guardian Media Group Plc 75 Farringdon Road London EC1M 3JX Tel: 020-7278-2332

Guild of Master Craftsman Publications Ltd Castle Place, 166 High Street, Lewes, East Sussex BN7 1XU Tel: (01273) 477374/47844 Fax: (01273) 487692

Guinness World Records 338 Euston Road, London NW1 3BD Tel: 020-7891 4567 Fax: 020-7891 4501

Hamlyn 2-4 Heron Quays London E14 4JP Tel: 020 7531 8400

Harlequin Mills & Boon Ltd. Eton House 18-24 Paradise Road Richmond, Surrey TW9 1SR Tel: 0181 948 0444

Harcourt Publishers Ltd. The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford OX5 1GB

Harper Collins (Aquarian; Flamingo; Fontana; Fount; Bartholomew; Grafton; Granada; Thorsons; Times Books; Unwin Hyman; Voyager) 77/85 Fulham Palace Road London W6 8JB Tel: 020 8741 7070

Harvill (Random House) 20 Vauxhall Bridge Road London SW1V 2SA Tel: 020-7840-8400

Hawcock 1 Pierrepont Street Bath, BA1 1LB Tel: 01225 445466 Fax: 01225 446018

Harvard University Press Fitzroy House 11 Chenies Street London WC1E 7ET Tel: 020 7306 0603

Harvey Miller Publishers 2 Byron Mews, Fleet Road, London NW3 2NQ Tel: 020-7284 4359 Fax: 020-7267 8764

Haymarket Group Ltd. 174 Hammersmith Road, London W6 7JP Tel: 020 8267 5000

Haynes Publishing, Sparkford, Nr Yeovil. Somerset, BA22 7JJ tel: 01963 440635

Heinemann Educational Publishers Halley Court Jordan Hill Oxford OX2 8EJ Tel: 01865 311 366

Helter Skelter Publishing 4 Denmark Street, London WC2H 8LL. Tel: 0207 836 1151. Fax: 0207 240 9880

Herald House Ltd. 7 Regent Street, Nottingham, Notts NG1 5BS

Herald Express Publications Ltd. Harmsworth House Barton Hill Road Torquay TQ2 8JN Tel: 01803-676000

Hirst Kidd & Rennie Ltd. 172 Union Street, Oldham

H M Publishers Holdings Ltd. Brunel Road Houndmills Basingstoke RG21 6XS Tel: 01256-329242

HMSO St.Clements House 2-16 Colegate Norwich NR3 1BQ Tel: 01603 723011

Hobsons Plc Bateman Street, Cambridge CB2 1LZ Tel: 01223 273300

Hodder Arnold, 338 Euston Road, London NW1 3BH, UK tel 020 7873 6000 fax 020 7873 6325

Hodder Headline Ltd. (Coronet; Delta; Flame; Headline; Review; Sceptre; Hodder & Stoughton; New English Library) Hodder Headline 338 Euston Road London NW1 3BH Tel: 020 7873 6000

Hodder & Stoughton Educational 338 Euston Road London NW1 3BH Tel: 020 7873 6272

Honeyglen Publishing Ltd N. S. Poderegin, 56 Durrels House, Warwick Gardens, London W14 8QB. Tel: 0207 602 2876. Fax: 0207 602 2876

House of Stratus 24c Old Burlington Street, London W1X 1RL. Tel: 020 7494 6400. Fax: 020 7494 6444

Houghton Mifflin Company P.O. Box 269 Addington Oxon OX14 4YN Tel: 01235 833827 Fax: 01235 833827

How To Books Ltd 3 Newtec Place, Magdalen Road, Oxford 0X4 1RE. Tel: 01865 793806. Fax: 01865 248780

Hunt & Thorpe 46a West Street, New Alresford, Hampshire S024 9AU. Tel: 01962 736880. Fax: 01962 736881

IDC United Kingdom 2 Bath Road Chiswick London W4 1LN Tel: 0208 987 7100

I O P Publishing Ltd. Dirac House Temple Back Bristol BS1 6BE UK Tel: 0117 929 7481

I P C Magazines Ltd. IPC Media Ltd, Kings Reach Tower, Stamford Street, London SE1 9LS

Illustrated London News Group 20 Upper Ground London UK SE1 9PF Telephone: 020 7805 5555

Ian Allan Publishing Riverdene Business Park, Molesey Road, Hersham, Surrey, KT12 4RG, UK Tel:01932 266600

Ingram wholesaler of trade books

Inter Publishing Ltd 6-7 Leapale Road, Guildford, Surrey GUI 4JX. Tel: 01483 306309. Fax: 01483 579196.

Internet Handbooks Unit 5 Dolphin Building, Queen Anne's Battery, Plymouth, Devon PL4 OLP. Tel: 01752 262626. Fax: 01752 262641

International Book Distributors Campus 400 Maylands Avenue Hemel Hempstead HP2 7EZ Tel: 01442 881900 Fax: 01442 882151

International Data Group 99 Gray's Inn Road London WC1X 8UT Tel: 0207 831 9252

J. A. Allen & Co. Ltd Robert Hale Ltd, Clerkenwell House, 45-47 Clerkenwell Green, London EC1R OHT. Tel: 020 7251 2661.

J Whitaker & Sons Ltd 12 Dyott Street, London WC1A 1DF Tel: 020-7420 6000 Fax: 020-7836 2909 Tel: 01252742525

James Clarke & Co PO Box 60, Cambridge, CB1 2NT, England Tel: 01223 350865 Fax: 01223 366951

James Currey Ltd 73 Botley Road, Oxford OX2 0BS Tel: (01865) 244111 Fax: (01865) 246454

Jane's Information Group Ltd, Sentinel House, 163 Brighton Road, Coulsdon, Surrey CR5 2YH

Janus Publishing Company Edinburgh House, 19 Nassau Street, London W1N 7RE. Tel: 0207 580 7664. Fax: 0207 636 5756

Jessica Kingsley Publishers 116 Pentonville Road, London N1 9JB, England Tel: 020 7833 2307

John Libbey & Co. Ltd PO Box 276, Eastleigh SO50 5YS Tel: (023) 8065 0208 Fax: (023) 8065 0259

John Murray (Publishers) Ltd 50 Albemarle Street, London W1X 4BD Tel: 020-7493 4361 Fax: 020-7499 1792

John Menzies

John Murray Publishers Ltd 50 Albemarle Street London W1X 4BD Tel: 020

7493 4361

John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Baffins Lane, Chichester, Sussex PO19 1UD

Johnsons International Group Ltd. James Street, West Green Park, Bath BA1 2BU

Johnston Publishing Ltd, Oundle Road, Woodston, Peterborough PE2 9QR

Jordan Publishing Ltd. 21 St Thomas Street Bristol BS1 6JS Tel: 0117 923 0600

Josef Weinberger Plays Ltd 12-14 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JJ Tel: 020-7580 2827 Fax: 020-7436 9616

Judy Piatkus (Publishers) Ltd , 5 Windmill Street, London, W1P 1HF

Just Group plc. 74 Shepherd's Bush Green, London W12 8QE, UK. Tel: 0208 746 9100

Karnak House 300 Westbourne Park Road, London W11 1EH Tel: 020-7243 3620 Fax: 020-7243 3620

Kluwer Publishing 145 London Road, Kingston-upon-Thames, Surrey KT2 6SR Tel: 020-8247 1262 Fax: 020-8547 2637

Lion Publishing Mayfield House 256 Banbury Road Oxford OX2 7DH Tel: 01865 302750

Little, Brown and Company (UK) Brettenham House, Lancaster Place, London WC2E 7EN Tel: 020-7911 8000 Fax: 020-7911 8100

Liverpool University Press 4 Cambridge Street, Liverpool L69 7ZU Tel: 0151-794 2233/7 Fax: 0151-794 2235

Lutterworth Press PO Box 60, Cambridge CB1 2NT Tel: (01223) 350865 Fax: (01223) 366951

Kelsey Publishing Cudham Tithe Barn, Berry's Hill, Cudham, Kent TN16 3AG Tel: 01959 541444

Kenneth Mason Publications Ltd Dudley House, 12 North Street, Emsworth, Hants PO10 7DQ Tel: (01243) 377977 Fax: (01243) 379136

Kevin Mayhew Ltd Buxhall, Suffolk IP14 3BW Tel: (01449) 737978 Fax: (01449) 737834

Key Publishing Ltd PO Box 100 Stamford PE9 1XQ UK Tel: 01780 755131

Kluwer Academic /Plenum Publishers / Kluwer Law International 241 Borough High Street London. SE1 1GB Tel.: 020 7940 7494 Fax: 020 7940 7495

Kingfisher Publications Ltd New Penderl House, 283-288 High Holborn, London WC1V 7HZ

Kingscourt/McGraw-Hill Wimbledon Bridge House 1 Hartfield Road Wimbledon London SW19 3RU Tel: 0800 317 457

Kingsway Communications Ltd. Lottbridge Drove, Eastbourne, BN23 6NT, UK Tel: 01323 437700

Kite Educational Publishers Ltd. Craven Court II Glebeland Road Camberley, Surrey GU15 3BU Tel: 01276 62221 Fax: 01276 63396

Kluwer Law International Ltd 241 Borough High Street London. SE1 1GB Tel: 020 7940 7494

Kogan Page 120 Pentonville Road London N1 9JN Tel: 020 7278 0433

Kyle Cathie Ltd 122 Arlington Road, London NW1 7HP Tel: 020-7692 7215 Fax: 020-7692 7260

Ladybird Books Ground Floor, 39 Stoney Street, Nottingham NG1 1LX. Tel: 0115 9486900. Fax: 0115 9486901

Language Teaching Publications 35 Church Road HOVE BN3 2BE Tel: 01273 736344 Fax: 01273 720898

Laurence King Publishing 71 Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3BP Tel: 020-7430 8850 Fax: 020-7430 8880

Lawrence & Wishart Ltd 99a Wallis Road, London E9 5LN Tel: 020-8533 2506 Fax: 020-8533 7369

Lennard Publishing Windmill Cottage, Mackerye End, Harpenden, Harts. AL5 5DR Tel: (01582) 715866 Fax: (01582) 715121

Letts Educational The Chiswick Centre 414 Chiswick High Road London W4 5TF Tel: 020 8996 3333

Lewis Masonic Riverdene Business Park, Molesey Road, Hersham, Surrey KT12 4RG Tel: (01932) 266600 Fax: (01932) 266601

Librapharm Ltd , 3b Thames Court, High Street, Goring-on-Thames, Reading, Berkshire KG8 9AQ. Tel: 01491 875252. Fax: 01635 875200

Library Association Publishing 7 Ridgmount Street, London WC1E 7AE Tel: 020-7255 0590 Fax: 020-7255 0591

Libris Ltd 10 Burghley Road, London NW5 1UE Tel: 020-7482 2390 Fax: 020-7485 4220

Librisweb 30 College Green Bristol BS1 5TB Tel: 0117-9388999 Fax: 0117-9388998 (wholesalers)

Lion Publishing Peter's Way, Sandy Lane West, Oxford 0X4 5HG. Tel: 01865 747550. Fax: 01865 747568

Littlehampton Book Services Ltd. (Distributors)

Lonely Planet Publications 6a Spring Place, London NW5 3HH Tel: 020-7428 4800 Fax: 020-7428 4828

Longman ELT Longman House Burnt Mill Harlow CM20 2JE Tel: 01279 623623 Fax:01279 431059

Lutterworth PO Box 60, Cambridge, CB1 2NT, Tel: 01223 350865 Fax: 01223 366951

MCB Up Emerald 60/62 Toller Lane Bradford West Yorkshire BD8 9BY

MGN Ltd, 1 Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London E14 5AP

Macmillan Publishers Ltd. (Boxtree; Pan; Picador; Sidgwick & Jackson) The Macmillan Building 4 Crinan Street London N1 9XW Tel: 020 7843 3600

Mainstream Publishing Co Ltd 7 Albany Street Edinburgh EH1 3UG Tel: 0131 557 2959 Fax: 0131 556 8720

Marion Boyars 24 Lacy Road London SW15 1NL Tel: 020 8788 9522

Mark Allen Publishing Croxted Mews 286A/288 Croxted Road London SE24 9BY Tel: 020 8671 7521

Marshall Cavendish 119 Wardour Street London UK W1F 0UW Telephone: 020 7734 6710

Martin Dunitz The Livery House 7-9 Pratt Street, London, NW1 0AE, UK Tel: 020 7482 2202

McGraw-Hill International (U K) Ltd. Shoppenhangers Road, Maidenhead Berkshire SL6 2QL Tel:01628 502 900

Mcmillan Scott Plc

Macmillan Publishers Ltd (Macmillan, Boxtree, Pan, Papermac, Picador, Sidgwick & Jackson) 25 Eccleston Place, London SW1W 9NF Tel: 020-7881 8000 Fax: 020-7881 8001

Magi Publications (Little Tiger Press) 1 The Coda Centre, 189 Munster Road, London SW6 6AW Tel: 020-7385 6333 Fax: 020-7385 7333

Mainstream Publishing Co. (Edinburgh) Ltd 7 Albany Street, Edinburgh EH1 3UG Tel: 0131 557 2959 Fax: 0131 556 8720

Management Books 2000 Ltd Cowcombe House, Cowcombe Hill, Chalford, Glos. GL6 8HP Tel: (01285) 760722 Fax: (01285) 760708

Manchester University Press Oxford Road Manchester UK M13 9NR Tel: 0161-273 5539 Fax: 0161-274 3346

Mandrake of Oxford PO Box 250, Oxford OX1 lAP Tel: (01865) 243671 Fax: (01865) 432929

Maney Publishing, Hudson Road, Leeds LS9 7DL, UK. Tel: 0113 249 7481 Fax: 0 113 248 6983

Manson Publishing Ltd 73 Corringham Road, London NW11 7DL Tel: 020 8905 5150 Fax: 020 8201 9233

Mantra Publishing 5 Alexandra Grove, London N12 8NU Tel: 020-8445 5123 Fax: 020-8446 7745

Mary Glasgow Publications Villiers House Clarendon Avenue Leamington Spa CV32 5PR Tel: 01926 887799 Fax:01926 815563

Marshall Publishing The Orangery, 161 New Bond Street, London W1Y 8PA Tel: 020-7291 8222 Fax: 020-7291 8233

Martin Books Grafton House, 64 Maids Causeway, Cambridge CB5 8DD Tel: (01223) 366733 Fax: (01223) 461428

Mediamark 11 Kingsway, London, WC2B 6PH Tel: 020 7212 9000.

Melrose Press Ltd St Thomas Place, Ely, Cambs. CD7 4CC Tel: (01353) 646600 Fax: (01353) 646601

Mentor Books 43 Furze Road, Sandyford Industrial Estate, Dublin 18, Republic of Ireland Tel: (01) 2952112 Fax: (01) 2952114

Mercat Press Sean Costello, 53 South Bridge, Edinburgh EH1 1YS Tel: 0131 556 6743. Fax: 0131 557 8149

Merehurst Ltd Ferry House, 51-37 Lacy Road, London SW15 1PR Tel: 020-8355 1480 Fax: 020-8355 1499

Merlin Press Ltd PO Box 30705, London WC2E 8QD Tel: 020-7836 3020 Fax: 020-7407 0309

Merrell Publishers Ltd 42 Southwark Street, London SE1 1UN Tel: 020-7403 2047 Fax: 020-7407 1333

Methuen 215 Vauxhall Bridge Road London SW1V 1EJ Tel: 020 7828 2838

Metro Books Friedman/Fairfax Publishers

Metro Publishing Ltd (Carroll & Brown, Richard Cohen Books) 19 Gerrard Street, London W1V 7LA Tel: 020-7734 1411 Fax: 020-7734 1811

Michael O'Mara Books 9 Lion Yard, Tremadoc Road, London SW4 7NQ Tel: 020 7720 8643

Michelin Travel Publications The Edward Hyde Building, 38 Clarendan Road, Watford, Herts. WD1 1SX Tel: (01923) 415000 Fax: (01923) 415052

Midland Auto Trader Ltd, Unit 6 Thatcham Business Village, Colthrop Lane, Thatcham, Berks RG19 4LW

Miles Kelly Publishing The Bardfield Centre Great Bardfield Essex CM7 4SL

Milestone Publications 62 Murray Road, Harndean, Waterlooville PO8 9IL Tel: (023) 9259 7440 Fax: (023) 9259 1975

Minerva Press 6 St Georges Way Leicester LE1 1SH Tel: 0116 285 4500

Mirror Group Ltd, 1 Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London E14 5AP

Monarch Books Concorde House, Grenville Place, London NW7 3SA Tel: 020-8959 3668 Fax: 020-8959 3678

MQ Publications Ltd 254-258 Goswell Road, London EC1V 7EB Tel: 020-7490 7732 Fax: 020-7253 7358

Mulitlingual Matters Frankfurt Lodge, Clevedon Hall Victoria Road Clevedon BS21 7SJ Tel: 01275 876519 Fax: 01275 343096

Natmag Specialist Media (Aim) ltd Silver House 31-35 Beak Street London UK W1R 3LD Telephone: 020 7440 3800

National Magazine Co. Ltd. National Magazine House, 72 Broadwick Street, London W1V 2BP

Neate Publishing 33 Downside Road, Winchester, Hampshire SO22 5LT.

Neil Wilson Publishing Ltd (The Angels' Share, In Pinn, 11/9 The Vital Spark ) 03a The Pentagon Centre, 36 Washington Street, Glasgow G3 8AZ Tel: 0141-221 1117 Fax: 014l-221 5363

Nelson Thornes Ltd, Delta Place, 27 Bath Road, Cheltenham, Glos, GL53 7TH, Tel 01242 267100

New Crane Publishing Ltd, Holland Court, The Close, Norwich NR1 4DY

New Holland Publishers (UK) Ltd Garfield House 86-88 Edgware Road London W2 2EA Tel: 020 7724 7773

Newcastle Chronicle and Journal Ltd, Kingsfield Court, Chester Business Park, Chester CH4 9RE

News International Plc 1 Virginia Street, London E98 1XY

Newsquest Media Group Ltd. Newspaper House, 34-44 London Road, Morden, Surrey SM4 5BR

Nexus Media Limited Nexus House Swanley Kent BR8 8HU Tel: 01322 660070

Nicholas Brealey Publishing 36 John Street, London WC1N 2AT Tel: 020-7430 0224 Fax: 020-7404 8311

Northeast Press Ltd, Echo House, Pennywell Sunderland SR4 9ER

Northern & Shell Ludgate House, 245 Blackfriars Rd. London SE1 9UX, 020 7928 8000

North Devon Journal Herald Ltd. 96 High Street Barnstaple EX31 1HT Tel: 01271-343064

O'Reilly 4 Castle Street Farnham Surrey GU9 7HS UK T: 01252 711776 F: 01252 734211 (Distributors)

Observer Standard Newspapers Ltd.

Octopus Publishing Group 2-4 Heron Quays, London E14 4JP Tel: 020-7531 8400 Fax: 020-7531 8650

Oldcastle Books Ltd 18 Coleswood Road, Harpenden, Harts AL5 1EP Tel: (01582) 761264 Fax: (01582) 761264

Oldroyd Publishing Group Ltd, Keenans Mill, Lytham St Annes FY8 2ER. Tel: 01253 783234

On Stream Publications Ltd Currabaha, Cloghroe, Blarney, Co. Cork, Republic of Ireland Tel: (353) 21-4385798 Fax: (353) 21-438798

Oneworld Publications 185 Banbury Road, Oxford, Oxon OX2 7AR Tel: (01865) 310597 Fax: (01865) 310598

Onlywomen Press Ltd 40 St Lawrence Terrace, London W10 5ST Tel: 020-8354 0796 Fax: 020-8960 2817

Open Books Publishing Ltd Willow Cottage, Cudworth, Nr Ilminster, Somerset TA19 0PS Tel: (01460) 52565 Fax: (01460) 52565

Open Gate Press (Centaur Press )51 Achilles Road, London NW6 1DZ Tel: 020-7431 4391 Fax: 020-7431 5129

Open University Press Celtic Court, 22 Ballmoor, Buckingham MK18 1XW Tel: (01280) 823388 Fax: (01280) 823233

Orbit Books (Little, Brown & Co Ltd)

Origin Publishing Ltd. 14th Floor Tower House Fairfax Street Bristol BS1 3BN Tel: 0117 927 9009

Orion Publishing Group Ltd (Phoenix House; Weidenfeld & Nicolson; Oriel; Gollancz) Orion House 5 Upper St Martin’s Lane London WC2H 9EA Tel: 020 7240 3444

Osborne Books (Worcester) a leading business education publisher. OnLine

Osprey Publishing Ltd Elms Court, Chapel Way, Botley, Oxford OX2 9LP Tel: (01865) 727022 Fax: (01865) 727017/727019

Otter House Ltd. Water Lane Haven Banks Exeter Devon EX2 8BY Tel: 01392 427333 (Greeting cards)

Oxford Psychologists Press Ltd Elsfield Hall 15 - 17 Elsfield Way Oxford OX2 8EP Tel 01865 404500

Oxford University Press Great Clarendon Street Oxford OX2 6DP Tel: 01865 556767

Oyston Publications Oyston Mill, Strand Rd. Preston, Lancashire PR1 8UR Tel 01772 722022,

P J B Publications Ltd. 18/20 Hill Rise Richmond Surrey TW10 6UA UK. Tel: 020 8948 3262

Paragon Publishing Ltd. Paragon House St Peters Road Bournemouth BH1 2JS Tel: 01202-299900

Paragon Press 1a Tower Square, Leeds LS1 4HZ Tel: 0113-209 5771 Fax: 0113-209 5600

Parthenon Medical Communications And Journals Group Richmond House White Cross South Road Lancaster Lancashire, LA1 4XF, UK Phone: 44-15-2458-5700 Fax: 44-15-2466-882

Paternoster Publishing (Paternoster Press, Paternoster Lifestyle, Partnership, Regnum, Rutherford House, OM Publishing, Solway, Challenge, Paternoster Periodicals, SP Media, Alpha Books) PO Box 300, Carlisle, Cumbria CA3 0QS Tel: (01228) 512512 Fax: (01228) 593388

Paul Chapman Publishing Ltd 6 Bonhill Street, London EC2A 4PU Tel: 020-7374 0645 Fax: 020-7374 8741

Pavilion Books Ltd London House Great Eastern Wharf Parkgate Road London SW11 4NQ Tel: 020 7350 1230

Pavilion Publishing (Brighton) Ltd 8 St George's Place, Brighton BN1 4GB Tel: (01273) 623222 Fax: (01273) 625526

Pearson Plc 80 Strand, London, WC2R 0RL UK tel: 020 7010 2000

Pearson Education Edinburgh Gate, Harlow, Essex CM20 2JE Tel: (01279) 623623 Fax: (01279) 431059

Peebles Media Group Berguis House, Clifton Street Glasgow

Pen & Sword Books Ltd 47 Church Street, Barnsley, South Yorkshire S70 2AS Tel: (01226) 734222 Fax: (01226) 734438

Penguin Books Ltd (Allen Lane; Hamish Hamilton; Michael Joseph; Penguin; Signet; Viking; Dorling Kindersley) (A Pearson Company) 80 Strand, London, WC2R 0RL. Tel: 020 7010 3000

Peter Collin Publishing Ltd 1 Cambridge Road, Teddington TW11 8DT Tel: 020-8943 3386 Fax: 020-8943 1673

Peter Lowe (Eurobook Ltd) PO Box 52, Wallingford, Oxon OX10 0XU Tel: (01865) 858333 Fax: (01865) 858263

Phaidon Press Limited Regent's Wharf All Saints Street London N1

Peter Owen Ltd 73 Kenway Road, London SW5 0RE Tel: 020-7373 5628/370 6093 Fax: 020-7373 6760

Philip Wilson Publishers Ltd 143-149 Great Portland Street, London W1N SF8 Tel: 020-7436 4490 Fax: 020-7436 4403

Phillimore & Co. Ltd Shopwyke Manor Barn, Chichester, West Sussex PO20 6BC Tel: (01243) 787636 Fax: (01243) 787639

Piatkus Books 5 Windmill Street London W1P 1HF Tel: 020 7631 0710

Pipers' Ash Ltd Pipers' Ash, Church Road, Christian Malford, Chippenham, Wilts. 5N15 4BW Tel: (01249) 720563 Fax: (0670) 0568916

Pitkin Unichrome Ltd, Healey House, Dene Road, Andover, Hampshire SP10 2AA, Tel 01264 409200 websales@pitkin-unichrome.

Plantagenet Press Bridewell House 9 Bridewell Place London EC4V 6AW Tel: 020 7583 0345

Plexus Publishing Ltd 55a Clapham Common Southside, London SW4 9BX Tel: 020-7622 2440 Fax: 020-7622 2441

Pluto Press 345 Archway Road, London N6 5AA Tel: 020-8348 2724 Fax: 020-8348 9133

Plymbridge (Plymouth) distributors

Polestar Group 21 Manchester Square, London W1M 5AP

Polity Press 65 Bridge Street, Cambridge CB2 1UR Tel: (01223) 324315 Fax: (01223) 461385

Politico's Publishing Ltd 8 Artillery Row London SW1P 1RZ Tel: 020 7828 0010

Portland Press Ltd 59 Portland Place, London W1N 3AJ Tel: 020-7580 5530 Fax: 020-7323 1136

Prion Books Imperial Works, Perren Street, London NW5 3ED Tel: 020-7482 4248 Fax: 020-7482 4203

Prism Press Book Publishers Ltd The Thatched Cottage, Partway Lane, Hazelbury Bryan, Sturminster Newton, Dorset DT10 2DP Tel: (01258) 817164 Fax: (01258) 817635

Profile Books 58A Hatton Garden London EC1N 8LX Tel: 020 7404 3001

Psychology Press Ltd 27 Church Road, Hove, East Sussex BN3 2FA Tel: (01273) 207411 Fax: (01273) 205612

Pulp Books PO Box 12171, London N19 3HB Tel: 020-7700 3409

Puffin Books 80 Strand, London, WC2R 0RL. Tel: 020 7010 3000

Purple House Ltd 75 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 6PE Tel: (01865) 511999 Fax: (01865) 553916

Quadrant Publishing Services Ltd, Quadrant House, The Quadrant, Sutton, Surrey SM2 5AS

Quantum Business Media Quantum House 19 Scarbrook Road Croydon Surrey UK CR9 1LX Tel 020 8565 4200

Raceform Ltd, Compton, Newbury, Berkshire, RG20 6NL UK Tel 01635578080

Random House (Arrow; Barrie & Jenkins; Cape; Century; Chatto & Windus; Ebury; Heinemann; Hutchinson; Legend; Mandarin; Minerva; Pimlico; Secker & Warburg; Sinclair Stevenson; Stanley Paul; Vermilion; Vintage; Yellow Jersey Press) 20 Vauxhall Bridge Road London SW1V 2SA Tel: 020-7840-8400

Rathbone Books 118 Finchley Road London NW3 5HT Tel: 020 8969 4454

Reader's Digest King’s Court Parsonage Lane Bath BA1 1ER Tel: 01225 463401

Reardon Publishing 56 Upper Norwood Street, Leckhampton, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire GL53 ODU Tel: 01242 231800

Red House Books Ltd. Windrush Park Witney Oxfordshire OX29 0YD

Redwood Books Ltd Kennet Way Trowbridge Wiltshire BA14 8RN Tel: 01225 769979

Redwood Publishing (London) leading publishing agency

Reed Business Information Ltd. Quadrant House, The Quadrant, Sutton, Surrey SM2 5AS

Regency House Publishing Limited 3 Mill Lane, Broxbourne, Hertfordshire EN10 7AZ Tel: 01992 479988. Fax: 01992 479966

Robert Hale Ltd Clerkenwell House, 45-47 Clerkenwell Green, London EC1R OHT. Tel: 0207 251 2661. Fax: 0207 490 4958

Robinson Publishing Ltd 7 Kensington Church Court, London W8 4SP. Tel: 020 7938 3830. Fax: 020 7938 4214

Robson Books Ltd 10 Blenheim Court, Brewery Rod, London N7 9NT Tel: 020 7700 7444. Fax: 020 7700 4552.

Rough Guides

Routledge 11 New Fetter Lane London EC4P 4EE UK Tel: 020 7583 9855 Fax: 020 7842 2298

Roy Bloom Ltd leading discount book specialist

Ryland Peters and Small Limited Cavendish House, 51-55 Mortimer Street, London W1N 7TD. Tel: 020 7436 9090. Fax: 020 7436 9790

Sage Publications Ltd, 6 Bonhill Street, London, EC2A 4PU, Tel: 020 7374 0645

Salamander Books Ltd 8 Blenheim Court, Brewery Road, London N7 9NT. Tel: 020 7700 7799. Fax: 020 7700 3572

Samuel French Ltd 52 Fitzroy Street, London W1P 6JR Tel: 020-7387 9373 Fax: 020-7387 2161

Scholastic Ltd. Westfield Road Southam England CV47 0RA

SCM Press Ltd 9-17 St Albans Place, London Nl 0NX Tel: 020 7359 8033. Fax: 020 7359 0049

Scripture Union 207-209 Queensway Bletchley Milton Keynes Buckinghamshire MK2 2EB Tel: 01908 856000

Selectabook Ltd. Selectabook Distribution Centre, Folly Road, Roundaway, Devizes Wiltshire SN10 2HR (wholesalers)

Send the Light Ltd. Kingstown Broadway Carlisle Cumbria CA3 OHA Tel: 01228 512 512

Shaw & Sons Limited Shaway House 21 Bourne Park Bourne Road Crayford Kent DA1 4BZ Tel: 01322 621100

Simon & Schuster UK Ltd (Basic Books; Pocket Books) 4th Floor Africa House 64-78 Kingsway London WC2B 6AH tel: 020 7316 1900

Society for Endocrinology 17/18 The Courtyard, Woodlands, Bradley Stoke, Bristol BS32 4NQ, Tel: 01454 642200

Souvenir Press Ltd 43 Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3PA. Tel: 020 7580 9307/8 & 7637 5711/2/3. Fax: 020 7580 5064

Specialist Publications (UK) Ltd, 239 Old Marylebone Road, London NW1 5QT

Spellmount Ltd The Old Rectory, Staplehurst, Kent TN12 OAZ Tel: 01580 893730. Fax: 01580 893731

St Pauls Publishers Morpeth Terrace, London SW1P 1EP. Tel: 020 7828 5582. Fax: 020 7828 3329

Stanley Gibbons Publications Parkside, Christchurch Road, Ringwood, Hants BH24 3SH Tel: (01425) 472363 Fax: (01425) 470247

Stanley Thornes Publishers Ellenborough House Wellington Street Cheltenham GL50 1YD Tel: 01242 228888 Fax: 01242 221914

Sterling Publications produces international technical industry reviews, reports and exclusive business and lifestyle magazines

St.Ives Plymouth Ltd. Eastern Wood Road Langage Industrial Estate Plympton Plymouth PL7 5ET Tel: 01752-345411

Summerhouse Publishing Limited, St James' Yarn Mill, Whitefriars, Norwich, NR3 1XU Tel:01603 664242

Surrey & Berkshire Newspapers Ltd.

Sutton Publishing Phoenix Mill Thrupp Stroud Gloucestershire GL5 2BU Tel : 01453 731114

TN & Sons Ltd, Erskine House, 68-73 Queen Street, Edinburgh EH2 4NH

T. & T. Clark 59 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 2LQ Tel: 0131-225 4703 Fax: 0131-220 4260

Take That Ltd PO Box 200, Harrogate, North Yorkshire HG1 2YR. Tel:01423 507545. Fax: 01423 526035

Taylor & Francis 11 New Fetter Lane London EC4P 4EE, Tel: 020 7583 9855

Telegraph Group Ltd.

Tempus Publishing, The Mill, Brimscombe Port, Stroud, Gloucestershire GL5 2QG.Tel: 01453 883300

Terence Dalton Ltd Water Street, Lavenham, Sudbury, Suffolk CO10 9RN Tel: (01787) 249289 Fax: (01787) 248267

Thames & Hudson 181A High Holborn, London WC1V 7QX Tel: 020 7845 5000

The Advertiser Ltd, 164 Deansgate, Manchester, Cheshire M3 3GG

The Athlone Press Ltd 1 Park Drive, London NW11 7SG Tel: 020-8458 0888 Fax: 020-8201 8115

The Big Issue Fleet House 57/61 Clerkenwell Road London EC1M 5NP Tel: 020 7418 0418

The British Library (Publications) Publishing Office, The British Library, 96 Euston Road, London NW1 2DB Tel: 020-7412 7704 Fax: 020-7412 7768

The Builder Group plc Exchange Tower 2 Harbour Exchange Square London E14 9GE Tel: 020 7560 4000

The C.W. Daniel Company Ltd (L.N. Fowler & Co Ltd Health Science Press Neville Spearman Publishers) 1 Church Path, Saffron Walden, Essex CB10 1JP Tel: (01799) 521909 Fax: (01799) 513462

The Charlesworth Group 254 Deighton Road, Huddersfield HD2 1JJ, Tel 01484 517077 Fax 01484 517068

The Chicken House 2 Palmer Street, Frome, Somerset BA11 1DS Tel: (01373) 454488 Fax: (01373) 454499

The Columba Press 55A Spruce Avenue, Stillorgan Industrial Park, Blackrock, Co. Dublin, Republic of Ireland Tel: (1) 2942556 Fax: (1) 2942564

The Continuum International Publishing Group Ltd. The Tower Building 11 York Road London SE1 7NX Tel: 020 7922 0880

The Crowood Press The Stable Block, Ramsbury, Marlborough, Wilts. SN8 2HR Tel: (01672) 520320 Fax: (01672) 520280

The Council for British Archaeology Bowes Morrell House, 111 Walmgate, York YO1 9WA Tel: (01904) 671417 Fax: (01904) 671384

The Economist Newspaper Ltd. 25 St James's Street London, SW1A 1HG Tel: 020 7839 2968/9

The Do-Not Press PO Box 4215, London SE23 2QD Tel: 020-8698 7833 Fax: 020-8698 7834

The Fabian Society 11 Dartmouth Street, London SW1H 9BN Tel: 020-7227 4900 Fax: 020-7976 7153

The Financial Times Ltd. 1 Southwark Bridge, London SE1 9HL

The Gay Men's Press (Prowler Press Ltd) PO Box 3220, Brighton, East Sussex BN2 5AU. Tel: 01273 672823 Fax: 01273 672159

THE Group combined wholesaler and distributor

The Harvill Press, 2 Aztec Row, Berners Rd, London, N1 0PW Tel: 020 7704 8766

The Hinckley Times Ltd. 1 Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London E14 5AP

The Kenilworth Press Ltd Addington, Buckingham MK18 2JR Tel: (0129 671) 5101 Fax: (0129 671) 5148

The Lady 39-40 Bedford Street London UK WC2E 9ER Telephone: 020 7379 4717

The Lancett 32 Jamestown Road London NW1 7BY Telephone: 020 7424 4910

The Lilliput Press Ltd 62-63 Sitric Road, Dublin 7, Republic of Ireland Tel: (01) 6711647 Fax: (01) 6711233

The Mercat Press James Thin Ltd, 53-59 South Bridge, Edinburgh EH1 1YS Tel: 0131-622 8222 Fax: 0131-557 8149

The Mercier Press (marino Books) 5 French Church Street, Cork, Republic of Ireland Tel: (021) 4275040 Fax: (021) 4274969

The Midland News Association Ltd 51/53 Queen Street, Wolverhampton, West Midlands WV1 1ES

The NFER-Nelson Publishing Company Ltd, The Television Centre, Kirkstall, Leeds, West Yorks LS3 1JS

The Oleander Press 17 Stansgate Avenue, Cambridge CB2 2QZ Tel: (01223) 244688

The Playwrights Publishing Company 70 Nottingham Road, Burton Joyce, Notts. NG14 5AL Tel: 0115-931 3356

The Policy Press University of Bristol, 34 Tyndalls Park Road, Bristol BS8 1PY Tel: 0117-9546800 Fax: 0117-9737308

The Q Group PLC Calverley House, 45 Dane Street Bishop's Stortford Herts CM23 3BT Tel. 01279 719070

The Readers Digest Association Ltd. 11 Westferry Circus, Canary Wharf, London E14 4HE

The Stationery Office Ltd PO Box 29 Norwich NR3 1GN Tel: 0870 600 5522 Fax: 0870 600 5533

The Watts Publishing Group Ltd (Cat's Whiskers, Aladdin/Watts, Orchard Books) 96 Leonard Street, London EC2A 4XD Tel: 920-7739 2929 Fax: 020-7739 2318

The Women's Press 34 Great Sutton Street, London EC1V 0LQ Tel: 020-7251 3007 Fax: 020-7608 1938

Thomson The Quadrangle 180 Wardour Street London W1A 4YG 44-20-7437-9787 44-20-7734-0561

The Watts Publishing Group Ltd 96 Leonard Street, London EC2A 4XD. Tel: 020 7739 2929. Fax: 020 7739 2318

The Wessex Astrologer PO. Box 2751 Bournemouth BH6 3ZJ Tel/Fax: +44 (0) 1202 424695 :

The Western Gazette Co. Ltd. Sherborne Road, Yeovil, Somerset, BA21 4YA.Tel: 01935 700500

The Windrush Press Little Window, High Street, Moreton-in-Marsh, Glos. GL56 0LL Tel: (01608) 652012/652025 Fax: (01608) 652125

Time Warner Books UK (Little, Brown & Co; Abacus; Orbit; Virago; Warner) Brettenham House Lancaster Place London WC2E 7EN Tel 020 7911 8000

Times Newspapers Ltd.

Timothy Benn Publishing 39 Earlham Street London WC2H 9LD Tel: 020 7306 7000

Transworld Publishers Ltd (Anchor; Bantam; Black Swan; Corgi; Doubleday; Partridge Press) 61-63 Uxbridge Road Ealing London W5 5SA Tel: 020 8579 2652

Treehouse Children's Books Ltd Page Farm, Newtown, West Pennard, Glastonbury, Somerset BA6 8NN Tel: (01458) 835757 Fax: (01458) 835758

Trentham Books Ltd Westview House, 734 London Road, Oakhill, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffs. ST4 5NP Tel: (01782) 745567 Fax: (01782) 745553

Trident Press Ltd 2-5 Old Bond Street, Mayfair, London W1X 3TB. Tel: 020 7491 8770. Fax: 020 7491 8664

Trinity Plc Newspaper publisher

Trotman & Company Ltd 2 The Green, Richmond, Surrey TW0 1PL Tel: 020-8486 1150 Fax: 020-8486 1161

Troubadour Publishing Ltd. PO Box 31 Market Harborough Leicester LE16 9RX Tel: 01858 525382 Fax: 01858 525635

Ulverscroft Large Print Books Ltd The Green Bradgate Road Anstey Leicester LE7 7FU Tel: 0116 2364325

Underwater Books 1O4D High Street, Hastings, East Sussex, TN34 3ES Telephone 01424 435905

United Advertising Publications Plc Link House 25 West Street Poole BH15 1LL Tel: 01202-671171

Usborne Publishing Ltd. Usborne House 83-85 Saffron Hill London EC1N 8RT Tel 020-7430-2800

V&A Publications 160 Brompton Road, London SW3 1HW Tel: 020-7938 9663 Fax: 020-7938 9973

Vegetarian Guides Ltd PO Box 2284, London W1A 5UH

Veloce Publishing Ltd, 33 Trinity Street, Dorchester, Dorset DT1 1TT Tel: 01305 260068. Fax: 01305 268864.

Veritas Veritas House, 7-8 Lower Abbey Street, Dublin 1, Republic of Ireland Tel: (01) 8788177 Fax: (01) 8786507

Verso Ltd 6 Meard Street, London W1V 3HR Tel: 020-7437 3546 Fax: 020-7734 0059

Verulam Publishing Ltd. 152a Park Street Lane Park Street, St. Albans, Herts AL2 2AU Tel: 01727 872770 Fax: 01727 873866

Vine House Distribution LTD Waldenbury North Common Chailey East Sussex BN8 4DR tel: 01825 723 398 Fax: 01825 724 188 (Distrubution)

Virago Press Little, Brown & Co. (UK), Brettenham House, Lancaster Place, London WC2E 7EN. Tel: 020 7911 8000. Fax: 020 7911 8100

Virgin Books Ltd. (Virgin, Idol, Nexus, Sapphire) Thames Wharf Studios Rainville Road London W6 9HA Telephone: 020 7386 3300

Virtue Books Ltd Edward House, Tenter Street, Rotherham S60 1LB Tel: (01709) 365005 Fax: (01709) 829982

Vision Paperbacks 101 Southwark Street London SE1 0JF UK Phone: 0207 928 5599 Fax: 0207 928 8822

Vision On Publishing 112-116 Old Street London EC1V 9BG Tel. 020 7549 6808 Fax. 020 7336 0966

W. H. Freeman Macmillan Press, Houndsmill, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 6XS. Tel: 01256 329242. Fax: 01256 330688

W H Smith Trading Ltd. (leading retailer)

W. Foulsham & Co. Ltd The Publishing House, Bennetts Close, Slough, Berks. SL1 5AP Tel: 01753 526769 Fax: 01753 535003

W.W. Norton & Company Ltd Castle House 75/76 Wells Street W1T 3QT

The Western Morning News Co. Ltd. 17 Brest Road Derriford Business Park Plymouth PL6 5AA Tel: 01752-765500

W. Foulsham & Co. The Publishing House, Bennetts Close, Slough, Berkshire SL1 5AP. Tel: 01753 526769. Fax: 01753 535003

Ward Lock Educational Co. Ltd BIC Ling Kee House, 1 Christopher Road, East Grinstead, West Sussex RH19 3BT Tel: 01342 318980 Fax: 01342 410980

Warburg Institute University of London, Woburn Square, London WC1H 0AB Tel: 020-7862 8949 Fax: 020-7862 8955

Walker Books Ltd 87 Vauxhall Walk, London SE11 5HJ Tel: 020-7793 0909 Fax: 020-7587 1123

Ward Lock Publishing Ltd (Orion Publishing Group Ltd) (Phoenix House; Weidenfeld & Nicolson; Oriel; Gollancz) Orion House 5 Upper St Martin’s Lane London WC2H 9EA Tel: 020 7240 3444

Watermark Publications (UK) Limited PO Box 92 Haslemere Surrey GU27 2YQ tel 01428 64 3077fax 01428 64 4702

Waterlily Books The Duke Chediston Halesworth Suffolk IP19 0BB

Waterlane Books, Water Lane Farm, Sherrington, Newport Pagnell, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, MK16 9NO,

Websters International Publishers Ltd 2nd Floor, Axe & Bottle Court, 70 Newcomen Street, London SE1 1YT Tel: 020-7940 4700 Fax: 020-7940 4701

Weston Publishing Ltd PO Box 14271 London SE11 4ZG Tel: 0171 582 9690 Fax: 0171 582 0073

Wessex Books, 2 Station Cottages, Newton Toney, Salisbury, Wiltshire. SP4 0HD Tel & Fax: 01980 629 349

W.H. Freeman Macmillan Press Ltd, Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hants RG21 6XS Tel: 01256 332807 Fax: 01256 330688

Wharncliffe Publishing 47 Church Street, Barnsley, South Yorkshire S70 2AS. Tel: 01226 734222. Fax: 01226 734438

Whittet Books Ltd Hill Farm, Stonham Road, Cotton, Stowmarket, Suffolk IP14 4RQ Tel: 01449 781877 Fax: 01449 781898

Which? Ltd 2 Marylebone Road, London NW1 4DF Tel: 020-7770 7000 Fax: 020-7770 7660

White Cockade Publishing 71 Lonsdale Road Oxford OX2 7ES tel. 01865 510411 fax 01865 463644

Whitehill Publishing, PO Box 6279, Leicester LE3 OWE. Tel: 0116 2299 503

Whittet Books Hill Farm, Stonham Road, Cotton, Stowmarket, Suffolk IP14 4RQ, Tel: 01449 781877. Fax: 01449 781898

Whiting & Birch Ltd, 90 Dartmouth Road, Forest Hill, London SE23 3HZ Telephone: 020-8244-2421 Fax: 020-8244-2448

Whittles Publishing Roseleigh House, Harbour Road, Latheronwheel, Caithness, KW5 6DW, Scotland. Phone: 01593-741240

Whurr Publishers Ltd 19b Compton Terrace, London N1 2UN Tel: 020-7359 5979 Fax: 020-7226 5290

Wiley Distribution Services Ltd. 1 Oldlands Way Bognor Regis West Sussex PO22 9SA Tel:01243-843294 (Distributors)

Willan Publishing Culmcott House, Mill Street, Uffculme, Cullompton, Devon EX15 3ATTel: 01884 840337. Fax: 01884 840251.

Windhorse Publications 11 Park Road Moseley Birmingham B13 8AB Phone/fax 0121-449 9191

Windrush Press, Little Window, High St, Moreton-in-Marsh, GL56 0LL, tel 01608 652012; fax 01608 652125

Wisdom Books 25 Stanley Road Ilford Essex IG1 1RW England (Distributors) tel 0208 553 5020

Wolfhound Press 68 Mountjoy Square, Dublin 1, Republic of Ireland Tel: 018740354 Fax: 018720207

Wooden Books Ltd 80 Guildhall Street Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP33 1QB

Woodfield Press, 17 Jamestown Square, Dublin 8, Ireland Tel.: +353-1-454 7991; Fax: +353-1-602 4875;

Woodhead Publishing Ltd Abington Hall, Abington, Cambridge CB1 6AH Tel: 01223 891358 Fax: 01223 893694

Woodstock Books Ltd The School House South Newington Banbury OX15 4JJ phone: 01295 720598 fax: 01295 720717

Word Entertainment Ltd. 1 Old Burlington Street, London W1X 1LA

Wordsworth Editions Ltd Cumberland House Crib Street Ware Hertfordshire SG12 9ET Tel: 01920 465167 Fax: 01920 462267

World International Ltd Deanway Technology Centre, Wilmslow Road, Handforth, Cheshire SK9 3FB Tel: 01625 650011 Fax: 01625 650040

World Leisure Marketing Ltd 4 The Old Forge Ebrington Street Kingsbridge Devon TQ7 1DE

World Scientific Publishing UK Ltd 57 Shelton Street London WC2H 9HE, Fax: 0207-836-2020 Tel 0207-836-0888

Wordsworth Editions Limited Cumberland House, Crib Street, Ware, Herts SG12 9ET Tel 01920 465167 Fax 01920 462267

Writers & Readers Ltd (Black Butterfly, Harlem River Press )2a Britannia Row, London N1 8PA Tel: 020-7226 2522 Fax: 020-7359 1406

Wrox Press Ltd. Arden House 1102 Warwick Road Birmingham B27 6BH Tel: 0121 687 4100 Fax: 0121 687 4101

Yale University Press 23 Pond Street London NW3 2PN Tel: 020 7431 4422

Zed Books, 7 Cynthia Street, London N1 9JF Tel: 0207 837 4014
2017-02-10 07:21:28 UTC
2008-02-01 23:08:42 UTC
For six grade I found the most user friendly books/programs to be: Saxon Math and Alpha Omega Lifepacs with computer dvds/ They have teacher videos before doing written lessons. And Saxon seemed to me the most effective teaching methods for math. Hope that helps. You can find any of this in the internet but also is available at stores like Mardel's and other Christian Book Stores.
2008-02-01 21:44:17 UTC
Here is a list composed on a homeschool selling web site hope it helps
2008-02-01 20:51:08 UTC
can you clarify your question? what do you mean textbook brands? do you mean publishers?
2008-02-01 20:50:46 UTC
you could try McGraw hill..they make a lot of textbooks.
2008-02-02 12:40:58 UTC
call the school district. If you are legitimately homeschooling, they provide you with the school text books. If you want something from another school that you may have seen somewhere else, call the school and ask if they have any extras that you can buy.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.