High school teachers Generally have a BA (that means 10 course in a field, like Science or English or Math or Art).
Most NEVER held a REAL WORLD JOB in their lives.
A metal head or punker who has played on stage doing originals or cover tunes for 10 years as a bass, guitar, drummer or keyboardist is FAR more qualified to teach music than any BA teacher is!
Even if they dropped out of high school.
A secretary, especially one trained in short hand (Gregg, for example) who has done it for 10 years, is FAR more qualifed to teach business, keyboarding, short hand and ENGLISH GRAMMAR than any BA high school teacher
These type of people would be able to get at least 40 to 60 units of COLLEGE EQIVALENT credit from many brick and mortar colleges that award class credit for work experience.
That's half a BA degree.
I did sound recording since I was 10, 8mm movies since I was 12, I went to electronics school at the age of 12, I've typed since I was 7 years old with all my fingers, I got into astronomy at the age of 11, was published in Sky and Telescope at the age of 16, taught myself dark room and astrophotography by age 15, went on to 16mm sound film work by the age of 19, produced my first TV commercial at the age of 29, taught myself guitar at the age of 17, started doing bass at the age of 18, taught myself keyboards by 20. Was on stage by 21. Produced my first musical recording which got ASCAP current performance status world wide in 1985 at the age of 40. Have been published in a wide variety of peridocials. I worked in the motion picture and audio music industry for 30 years off and on and am one of hte formost experts in Women Filmmakers, Animation and Music on Film and I used to teach university professors about new facts of history.
I taught myself BASIC, Modual2, Pascal, C and worked on the Atari ST, Amiga, PC DOS, PC Windows, MAC 64, TRS80, CP/M and I also studied a little Assembler.
I compiled a definitive book on BASIC covering 36 subsets on 12 platforms with substitutions and generic code.
I never finished college because I was too busy working.
There are few college professors in undergraduate work that can touch my skill levels.
Right now I deal with $500,000 in CAD CAM photographic manufacturing equipment and I take them apart and fix them, set them up, upgrade them and keep them working with a 97% up time level.
Now, WHAT, exactly are the credentials of your teachers in highschool.
What publications have they made. What music have the put on radio, what films have they put on TV, what shows have they don't at that Los Angeles Coliseum.
My former TV producing partners even got a show to pilot for NBC.
My former band mates produce for Saban and did the Power Ranger music.
I, myself, was responsible for putting material into TV shows like Space Above and Beyond, Nowhereman and music videos for CBS Epic records.
The only reason kids would rather be HIGH SCHOOLED then homeschooled by me is that HIGH SCHOOL is less demanding than I am.
I'll make them re-write papers 10 times until they get it right.
That's how I learned, that's how I get published.