I went to public school. The assumption and assertion that public school students ARE all exposed to Locke and Kant is faulty. We were taught exactly what the public institution dictated and nothing more. A greater influx of ideas is NOT what I experienced as a public school student. The first time I heard the names Locke, Kant and Bonhoeffer I was in college.
Based on my personal experience in the public school, I made the choice to homeschool. My children are hearing EVERY idea from evolution, to discussions on sex and birth control. The only difference is, they're hearing it from a Christian world-view and not a humanistic point of view.
In response to your assertion that we're fasscists for desiring that our children learn from a Christian world-view, I would pose this question: "If anyone has the choice of influencing their child's thinking or letting a state run system influence it, why WOULDN'T you choose to be the guardian of your own child's world-view?" Who cares MORE about my child's development? ME or the state?
We see that the state has done a reprehensible job of educating our children overall. Graduation rates are at an all time low in America. In addition, we see the stats on increasing teen pregnancy, suicide, STD, drug use, and the general age of sexual activity lowering.
In addition, have you recently tried to hold a conversation with most public school students? Good luck. Their answers are reduced most times to little more than grunts and one-word answers. Socialization? It would seem the public school system has done a nice job of homogenizing the social skills of most of our students to the lowest common denomiator. Sure, there are exceptions. But the percentage of public school teens who can hold an intelligent conversation with an adult is much lower than the percentage of homeschool students. It's a fact.
The average public school student's sense of self entitlement and utter lack of concern about anyone but themselves is appalling. Where are kids picking these things up? They're picking them up in a public school where the chief focus on a daily basis is indeed NOT education. And it's getting worse.
It's simply a state-sponsored myth that socialization is a problem for most homeschoolers. The social resources available to homeschool students in most communities are numerous. Homeschool students on the whole are happy, content, well adusted, eloquent, better educated and more responsible than their public school counterparts, and have a better grasp on the "big picture" in life.
Now, regarding fascism, have you read the manifests of the creators of the first government-sponsored public school stystems created during the industrial revolution? In short, public school systems were created by elitist corporate-types to produce a docile, drone-like working class citizen who would do what the establishment told them to do.
The goal of the public school system as it was created and as it exists presently is not to create a spring-board to greatness for each child. Essentialy, the goal is to create citizens who all (for the most part) think alike, have similar state-indoctrinated self-images of who they are as citizens and where they fit into society.
The result of the state telling you who you are and where you fit into socitey is much the same as the goal of communism and socialism; to bring the low up (which is good in principle) and push the exceptional down. Homogenized, mass-produced equality that ultimately works to the advantage of the state is their aim.
I am a perfect example. I spent two years in a homeschool situation. My test average was an A minus. I had one-on-one daily instruction according to my own learning style. I was very successful and had higher knowledge retention than I did when I was in the public school system.
On the other hand, when I was previously in the the public school system, I appeared lazy and as if I didn't have what it took to grasp learning. My teachers thought I didn't care. However, it was apparent that the teachers (for the most part) didn't care about or weren't able to give attention to my individual development. Yes, there were excecptions. But I was dragged along with the rest of my class with little personal attention to my learning needs. I graduated. But I had a much lower GPA than I could have achieved.
In summary, it's not fascism to present the same ideas to my children as they will get in public school, but from a Christian world-view. They are presently and will continue to hear EVERY idea presented in the public school and MORE. For example, how many public school students start studying Latin in elementary school?
I would rather I influence my children year after year than a public school system who's chief concern is their own funding; NOT my kid's education.