Online chooling is like homescooling, except I get my assignments online, and I do online tutorials. The tutorials are like my classes for the day. My mom just found out that they keep a log of my history, and they know exactly which website ive been to etc. Is that even legall, I mean isn't that an invasion of privacy or something. Are they allowed to just find out everything ive been on, on all 3 of our computers. Or is it only legal if they do it while on a tutorial, or while I'm logged into D2L. If it is legal, how is it legal. Apparently they keep it for, "education, and effort Purposes". Ive been with it for 2 months. They just gave my mom a copy of websites, documents etc, of my history. She was shocked, and she was wondering, because it is right at my house that im doing this is it legal. I mean I understand that they keep track of history in schools, and on computers etc there. Will it only record information while i'm logged in to D2L.
Thanks, all answers are appreciated.